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4×4/SUV tyres
Telephone: 01759 302907

Peter Winn Tyres Ltd
1 Garths End
Pocklington, York
East Riding of Yorkshire
YO42 2HZ

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday 8:00 to 17:30
Saturday 8:00-12:00

BKT TyresLike BKT Tyres



We can Deliver BKT on a  UK Next Day Basis: Call for best pricing!!

BKT is a flagship company of a reputed business conglomerate of India, “Siyaram-Poddar Group”, group is into diversified business of Textile, Garments, Yarns, Furnishings, Paper & tires. BKT is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of “OFF-HIGHWAY tires”. BKT has the widest product range with more than 1900 SKU’s (Stock Keeping Units) and is “One Stop Shop” for all off-highway tyre solutions.

The BKT Tyre Range is vast and ranges form Go kart tyres all the way through the tyre ranges upto the large volume Earthmover tyres. We can supply most of the BKT Tyre range on a forty eight hour basis. So if you require any BKT tyres then please feel free to contact us by email on or by telephone on 01759302907 and we will try to help. What is shown below relates to the off road side of the business and  is a taster of the range if you have any specific enquiries then do contact us and remember we can supply wheels to suit. We have the ability to supply BKT Tractor,Low Ground Pressure Trailer, industrial, Turf and ATv tyres on a next day basis subject to availability.

As with most off road tyre manufacturers the tyre range is split into Agricultural, Industrial and Forestry.


BKT Tractor Tyre Range


BKT 85 Series Radial Tractor Tyres- AgrimaxRT855


BKT 70 Series Radial Tractor Tyre- Agrimax RT765


BKT 65 Series Radial Tractor Tyre- Agrimax RT657



BKT 90 & 95 Series Tractor Tyre- BkT Rowcrop Radial RT945 & RT955






BKT Extra Large Series (High Volume) Tractor tyres-BKT Agrimax Fortis



BKT Combine Harvester & Forage Tyres-BKT Agrimax Teris



BKT High Volume Low Pressure Tractor tyres-BKT Agrimax Force (IF Technology)


BKT Low Ground Pressure Trailer Tyres – BKT FL630 & FL693


Don’t Forget we can supply and deliver these low ground pressure trailer tyres on wheels to suit your requirements.Please email us on or telephone  01759302907 for a price or even just for advice.


BKT Radial Tractor Tyre For Industrial And Road Working Purposes:



BKT Flotation Low Ground Pressure Cross ply Trailer Tyre


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