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4×4/SUV tyres
Telephone: 01759 302907

Peter Winn Tyres Ltd
1 Garths End
Pocklington, York
East Riding of Yorkshire
YO42 2HZ

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday 8:00 to 17:30
Saturday 8:00-12:00

Posts Tagged ‘car battery’


Varta Batteries

 Varta Batteries is a subsidary of Johnson Controls. Johnson Controls is the world’s leading manufacturer of car starter batteries. To keep things this way, they focus on one clear objective: to keep making the best better. In addition to state-of-the-art development and production systems, Johnson Controls relies on innovative technology centres, which are consistently working to […]

Mobility Batteries

Drive Mobilty Batteries provide an eseential service for modern living

With the increase in leisure time Golf has seen  a massive increase in its popularity and on the back of the recent Ryder cup success its popularity will surely grow. Within the sport the use of power assisted carts and buggies has also increased and as such the demand for reliable and efficient mobilitybatteries has […]